The Final Day

It came at last, a day anticipated and also dreaded: the last day of class. Our final day of teaching English at Santisuk.

Final day means party! We get to quit class half an hour early, order pizza or KFC (big treats here), and celebrate the month of study. My writing students presented the amazing blogs they’ve created, and we also wrote about how to solve the world’s problems. We then enjoyed four (!) large pizzas, which they managed to finish within the hour. 

Our Level 2 class has dwindled down to one student in the past few days, due to illness of some students and a death in the family of another. But we celebrated anyway with ice cream and cupcakes, and at the end were reluctant to part. (Goodbyes are so hard.)

Dream is a 2nd-year university student studying law.

In the evening we joined another Level 2 class, students we’d taught in January. We have missed their smiles and laughter, and so we brought more cupcakes and sat in on the party. What dear students!

And then the day was over. We had wanted things to go well; we had wanted to finish strong and end with a bang. Morning came, and evening came, the last day. And, to paraphrase Genesis 1, we saw that it was good.

What has made it good? Again I will reiterate: the students—their love for us and our love for them. Here’s an essay written by one of our Level 2 students. I think it says it all:

“This classroom is more than a school. We smile, we grow in knowledge, and we have each other. That’s the best thing.”

Thank you, God for these last two months of teaching at Santisuk English School in Bangkok. What a gift!


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